Background: Multiple previous studies have indicated that patient experience is linked to the interactions with caregivers in healthcare settings.These interactions impact a patient’s perception in areas like trust and service quality. These are also thought to be associated with improved patient compliance and thus clinical outcomes.

Purpose: Managing Up is a process to help create a positive impression about team-members prior to their interaction with patients and families. The concept of Managing Up is thought to make a patient feel more confident and see care as more compassionateThe purpose of this project was to help team-members improve their understanding of the process through their active involvement with the use of an audiovisual tool, and further use this as an example during onboarding and annual training.

Description: Leaders and frontline team-members were selected from various departments that a patient interacts with during hospitalization, for participation in the project. From a first-person point of view, the video follows a patient’s potential journey through the hospital. During this journey the patient meets a multitude of team members including screeners, concierges, nurses, a physician, a leader, and a transporter. Each of the people in the video demonstrate a strong example of managing up, where they positively position the person or department the patient will next see. The type of interaction where caregivers speak highly of themselves, colleagues, and the hospital in general is intended to be implemented throughout the healthcare system.

Conclusions: Through this project, we hope to help caregivers understand the value of managing up their co-workers both within and outside their departments, with the ultimate goals of improving patient outcomes including compliance, confidence, and satisfaction.At the same time, we also look to continue improve communication among various departments within the hospital.