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Meetings Archive For Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C...

Abstract Number: 371
The Enemy Within
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 35‐year‐old woman presented with 1 month of fever and diarrhea. She had been diagnosed with HIV 1 year earlier with a current CD4 count of 22/mm3. She was on no anti‐retroviral therapy. The watery, nonbloody diarrhea occurred 10 or more times/day, associated with a colicky lower abdominal discomfort. Additionally, she reported chills, […]
Abstract Number: 372
Putting It All Together, a 'Ben' Interesting Case
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 42‐year‐old female with an extensive psychiatric history of depression, fibromyalgia, and pseudo‐seizures, as well as obesity and chronic constipation, presented as an outpatient with fatigue, muscle pain, weight loss from poor oral intake, and weakness. Creatine kinase levels were elevated, and her muscle symptoms seemed to respond to prednisone, leading to a […]
Abstract Number: 373
Neurological Dilemma …
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 47‐year‐old woman presented with a 1‐week history of word‐finding difficulty, unclear speech and pareslhesias in her right leg. She denied neck pain, stiffness fever, chills, or problems with vision, memory, menlation, grasp, motor strength, or walking. Six years ago, lupus nephropathy was diagnosed and had been treated with mycophenolate mofelil and later, […]
Abstract Number: 374
Do Not Forget the ANA
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A normally healthy 67‐year‐old African American male presented with 2 weeks of worsening shortness of breath, orthopnea, and lower‐extremity edema as well as some chest pains and joint aches. One week prior to presentation he was evaluated by his primary care physician and noted to have a 25‐pound weight gain and started on […]
Abstract Number: 375
Dazed and Confused
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 25‐year‐old Filipino female presented after being brought To the emergency department by a friend who noticed her “very abnormal behavior.” The patient was found wandering outdoors and was unaware of her surroundings and the month and year and could not recall recent events. On presentation the patient was afebrile, and her vital […]
Abstract Number: 376
Total Eclipse
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 59‐year‐old man presented with a 3‐month history of a dry cough. He denied smoking. On further questioning, he noted a 9‐month history of dyspnea that began after an appendectomy. During that hospital course, a urinary catheter had been placed secondary to urinary retention and hypospadias. Prior to surgery, he ran 5K races. […]
Abstract Number: 377
The Diagnosis Is in the History
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 75‐year‐old woman with a history of stage II colon cancer in remission and PE 2 years ago presents with 3 days of progressive dyspnea and weakness She was admitted to an outside hospital, where she underwent CT chest angiography and was found to have new pulmonary emboli. She was started on therapeutic […]
Abstract Number: 378
Acute Pain in a Sickle Cell Patient, Beyond Just a Vaso‐Ocelusive Pain Crisis
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 24‐year‐old woman with sickle cell disease (SCD) presented with 1 day of progressive bilateral lower‐extremity pain. She was afebrile and had no chest, back, or joint pain. She had edema and tenderness to palpation of both lower extremities. Her sclerae were anicteric, JVP was not elevated, and lungs had clear breath sounds. […]
Abstract Number: 379
A Case of Skin Ulcers and Neutropenia: Definitely Not a Helminth Problem
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 43‐year‐old healthy woman presented with painful lower‐extremity ulcers. Six weeks earlier, she had noticed a single red lesion on her left ankle. Over the next few weeks, the lesion enlarged, turned purple, and became exquisitely tender. Similar lesions appeared on her hips, buttocks, and ears. An outpatient skin biopsy revealed vasculopalhy of […]
Abstract Number: 380
Resistant Hypertensive Urgency Secondary to Surreptitious Noncompliance: A Case Report
Hospital Medicine 2010, April 8-11, Washington, D.C.
Case Presentation: A 32‐year‐old African American male was referred from a corrections facility with severe uncontrolled hypertension for 2 weeks despite being on a regimen of 7 antihypertensive medications. He complained of persistent bitemporal headaches and blurred vision, but he was otherwise asymptomatic. On presentation his blood pressure was 230/130 mmHg. His blood pressure was […]